Just'nCase by Confitex Blog - Bladder Leakage, Heavy Periods, Endometriosis, Menorrhagia and more…







We tackle the tricky topics around periods, pee and other unpredictable female fluids

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  • We answer all your pressing questions about the best way to wash and dry our period underwear – including why it's safe to put them in the dryer.
  • Everything you need to know about caring for your pee-proof pants, from rinsing to quick tumble drying and how to remove odor build-up.
  • How to manage urinary incontinence on holiday

    Don’t let your weak bladder keep you in lockdown. Our top ten tips will help you travel with confidence despite your light bladder leakage.

    Reaching for yet another pack of single-use paper pads, liners or shields brings with it a mixed bag of emotions, including frustration with the inconvenience they cause and anxiety about potential visible leaks. The last thing you need on top of that is guilt about their impact on our environment.
  • Six ways to take control of bladder leaks

    There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to bladder leakage. Because it affects so many people (as many as one in three women and one in 5 men) and can be brought on by a range of causes, there’s no silver bullet that will magic it away. For some, it’s a lifelong condition – just the way we’re built.
  • Eeek – I leak when I exercise!

    Does your heart sink when your trainer calls for star jumps? Do you avoid lifting heavy weights? Does your golf swing make you anxious ?  
  • How to strengthen your pelvic floor: a beginner’s guide to kegels

    We might talk about having a ‘weak bladder’ but in fact it’s often not the bladder that’s weak – it’s the pelvic floor. Located between the hips, your pelvic floor is an area of muscles and tissues that act as a hammock to support the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum.
  • Four healthy foods that could be triggering your leaks

    It makes sense that what you drink can affect how much you leak – but did you know that what you eat is just as important? Firstly, your pelvic floor is responsible for managing the mechanisms that make you pee. It’s made up of tissues and muscles that support the bladder, rectum and small intestine.
  • Will drinking less fix my incontinence?

    It seems to make sense that restricting your intake of fluids would reduce the occurrence of bladder leakage. But does it? Well no, and maybe yes, because it all depends what kind of fluids you’re talking about.
  • Is my sex life over?

    Having a wee accident while having sex can and does happen – and worrying that it might can cause severe anxiety and put you off having sex at all. But there are ways to keep it on the to-do list!
  • Is constipation causing your incontinence?

    “Being constipated and having to strain to poop can reduce your pelvic floor strength.” Turns out that when your bowel isn’t working properly your bladder can be affected. Who knew?
  • The last taboo – let’s talk about little leaks

    Bladder leakage (aka urinary incontinence) affects one in three women and one in ten men, often as a result of surgery, childbirth or other trauma. So why don’t we ever hear about it? Why are we afraid of talking about one of the most common medical conditions affecting people around the world today?  
  • The heavy truth about light bladder leakage

    Sneezing. Lifting. Running. Laughing. Stretching. Do any of those words give you, or someone you know, a touch of anxiety that you might accidentally wee a little? For many people, the onset of incontinence brings with it symptoms that are not dissimilar to depression.
  • Is bladder retraining right for me?

    Bladder retraining is an action plan recommended by health professionals for incontinence and bladder leakage. It’s a form of behavioral therapy that works to change your bathroom habits by altering the cognitive pathways responsible for telling your body how often you need to use the toilet, and how much liquid you expel.

    From enuresis to Menorrhagia...Our glossary of everything you've ever wanted to know about leaks